Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Engagement pictures!

So Reg and I had an incredibly fun time doing our engagement shoot with the very talented Kay and Stacy of BCR Studios -- we're so glad we chose them for our photographers. First up, these were some of the inspiration photos that I collected and Reg approved and then we showed to Kay and Stacy at BCR... (I am sad to say that I was taking screen grabs with two different computers, neither of which recorded the source of the picture, which means I can't give them credit. Hopefully the pics are small enough that no one will mind, but if any copyright owners are checking this out, please e-mail me and I'll either give you credit or remove it.)

The "What, there's a camera here?" look

The "we always look at each other this way" look:

The "oh, you just happened to catch us hanging out on the street corner" look:

The "NEAR.... far...." shot

And the classic American Gothic shot.

And now up, a few of our pictures -- we've purchased the disk of all photos but the disk hasn't arrived yet, so these photos still have the watermark on them... prints can be purchased through BCR.

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