I think we've decided not to have a church wedding, for a lot of logistical reasons -- 1) The wedding ceremony would be no later than 2 pm (probably more like 11 am), and then dinner wouldn't be until 6... what would we all do? that's a longass day for me and you and Reg and everyone. It'd be one thing if we had a huge bridal party to take pictures and go around to locations... but we just don't. (And if we go with the one venue Mum & Da looked at on Sunday, I'd be shocked if we get pictures taken anywhere but there.) 2) Reg and I are both offended, stylistically, by St. Basil's, which is the parish my parents attend -- ugly, ugly church -- see the picture below (only one i could find on Flickr). 3) we'd have to get permission from the bishop to marry anywhere but St. Basil, and 4) there is still really no suitable alternative place to marry -- all the churches in Ohio kind of stink of the same "built in 1962 and for an audience of 500+" problems. Still waiting to hear from another venue, which would be far superior because people could stay IN the location and the location would be much closer to lots of stuff in Cleveland to do -- art museum, natural history museum, etc.
(Mom keeps being like, How about a Friday wedding? And I'm like, NO -- do you not understand that almost everyone important to me, beyond my immediate family, is coming from NOT CLEVELAND? So annoying.)
At one of the places that my parents looked at this weekend, the lady asked what our "theme" was. Hearts? Seashells? (I realize now we should have said "pink unicorns." Ah well, another day, another comeback.) And Reg and I decided, in about 20 seconds, that if we need a theme we'll go with "starry night" -- dark navy/black tableclothes, silver accents, maybe dark navy flowers on the cake or something. The tables could be named after constellations... We liked that.
In non-wedding-related news: I'm sick, which TOTALLY stinks. (Although I took my first real "sick day" in, like, 15 years yesterday, and had a great day watching tv and eating 3 different kinds of soup for my meals. I got a bit of work done, too, and a lot of blogging.)
OK, seriously -- onwards to work.